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Server StatsigUser Object

Introduction to the StatsigUser object for server and client "on device evaluation" SDKs

When calling APIs that require a StatsigUser object, you should pass as much information as possible in order to take advantage of advanced gate and config conditions (like country or OS/browser level checks), and correctly measure impact of your experiments on your metrics/events. The userID field is required because it's needed to provide a consistent experience for a given user (click here to understand further why it's important to always provide a userID). #why-is

User Attributes

User IDID representing a unique user. This ID will be used to guarantee consistency of targeting for Feature Gates and Experiments and will be used to evaluate experiment results.your_user_id
EmailEmail of the
User AgentUser agent of the browser. This will be decoded to determine the Browser and Operating System of the user's contextMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.40 Safari/537.36
IPIP address of the user192.168.1.101
Country2 letter country code of the user. Inferred from the IP if not set when evaluating a country conditionUS
LocaleLocale of the useren_US
App VersionVersion of the app the user is using1.0.1
CustomDictionary that can contain key/value pairs that can be used for Feature Gate targeting. The content of this dictionary will be stored and available after targeting{skill_level: "5", is_subscriber:"false" ...}
Private AttributesDictionary that can contain key/value pairs that can be used to evaluate feature gate conditions and segment conditions. The content of this dictionary will not be stored after used for targeting and will be removed from any log_event calls{sensitive_field: "sensitive_information", ...}
Custom IDsDictionary that can contain key/value pairs used as the randomization unit ID for experiments that are set up using these IDs instead of the User ID{account_id: "23456555", company_id: "company_xyz"}

What fields can I override to set "Operating System" and "Browser" explicitly?

If you set the userAgent field, server SDKs will parse out the OS/Browser information for evaluating those conditions. But what if you want to explicitly set this yourself? You can set it in two places: either top level in the user object (which typing may not allow for some languages), or in the "custom" object.

You must provide this information under the following keys:

  • Operating System: os_name
  • OS Version: os_version
  • Browser Name: browser_name
  • Browser Version: browser_version

So, for example, you could set this one of two ways in the user object:

userID: "uuid",
os_name: "Android", // top level
custom: {
os_name: "iOS",

If either of these fields is explicitly set, it will take precedence over inferring the value from the userAgent field.

Have sensitive user PII data that should not be logged?

On the StatsigUser object, there is a field called privateAttributes, which is a simple object/dictionary that you can use to set private user attributes. Any attribute set in privateAttributes will only be used for evaluation/targeting, and removed from any logs before they are sent to Statsig server.

For example, if you have feature gates that should only pass for users with emails ending in "", but do not want to log your users' email addresses to Statsig, you can simply add the key-value pair { email: "" } to privateAttributes on the user and that's it!

Why is StatsigUser with a UserID (or any customID) required for server SDKs?

In Server SDKs, a StatsigUser with a userID (or any customID) is required for checkGate, getConfig, and getExperiment. We always recommend using the actual user ID if it's available: users will get a stable experience, and subsequent events will be attributed to the correct users so you can accurately measure downstream metrics.

Still aren't sure whether you need to provide an ID? Here are our suggestions for different use cases:

If you only plan to use feature gates to turn on/off a feature for all of your users, or for all users passing certain conditions (e.g. "country is US"), you can pass any non-empty identifier, hard coded string, or a random ID as the userID if you do not have the actual user ID or any kind of custom IDs. Note that you cannot target the empty string in the statsig console.

If you want to rollout a feature partially first, make sure it does not cause significant regressions, then roll out to all users, you should pass the persistent user IDs in your checkGate/getConfig/getExperiment calls, as well as any logEvent calls you make. This way, we are able to attribute the events you log to the correct users who saw or didn't see your new feature, and calculate metrics correctly to help you understand whether there was any regression.

If you want to run an A/B experiment to decide whether to ship a new feature, you should also pass the persistent user IDs (or custom IDs for experiments and feature gates based on other ID types), for the same reason mentioned in 2) above.

If you want to pass a userID for the above reasons, but don't have a logged in user (e.g. you are optimizing the login flow), set a stable identifier as a cookie or in local storage and use that with each call to Statsig.

We hope this is helpful. If you have a use case that is not covered in these scenarios, or have any question at all, feel free to join our Slack community and drop a question/comment there!

Time-based conditions

All SDKs support unix timestamps in milliseconds to evaluate time based conditions (After time, before time). Without knowing all possible variations of DateTime formats, we have to normalize on something, so its best to convert your DateTime field into a standard format for evaluation.

We have added support for ISO timestamps to some server SDKs.