User Profiles
User Profiles are a collection of properties about the people using your product. In Metrics Explorer, you can join these profile properties with any event for analysis and segmentation. Previously, user properties had to be present on each event you wanted to analyze. Now they live independently on the user profile, letting you:
- Update user properties once, not with every event
- Join profile data with any event during analysis
- Keep user context and event data separate
This gives you cleaner event logging and more flexible analysis since user properties are stored in one reliable place.
For example, you could imagine a social network where each user has a friend count, but it might not make sense to send that friend count on every single event. In this example, you would update the information periodically as part of the user’s profile, and then be able to leverage that in analysis scenarios. With user profiles, you can easily analyze user data based on properties that aren't sent on every event.
Whenever you call .logEvent() with user properties, we’ll automatically update the user profile for that unit ID. New properties are added, and existing ones are updated as needed. This means you don't need to send the same user properties on every event, and you can simplify .logEvent() calls.
Now, when you’re querying on Metrics Explorer, you’ll be able to take advantage of user profile properties through filters or group-bys. Because we join your events with the user profile table in the background, queries in Metrics Explorer may take slightly longer to process.
You can also see all user profile properties on the Users Tab for a specific unit type + ID.