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Statsig ID Resolver

What is Statsig ID Resolver?

Statsig ID Resolver is an integration set up at the project level that brings your ID names into console. IDs are used everywhere within Console, but unless you are an ID Wizard it is hard to tell at a glance who or what an ID belongs to. Take Feature Gate rules for example:


Each of the IDs shown represent a superhero with a name and other identifying information. After setting up ID Resolver you will be able to see an ID’s “name” next to each ID. In this example, the ID’s name is the superhero’s name followed by their publisher. You have the power to define “name” as whatever string is most useful for your project.


Additionally, after setting up ID Resolver Autocomplete you can begin typing in an ID’s name and have it auto-resolve to the correct ID


ID Resolver can be used wherever you enter IDs, for example in Feature Gate rules, Overrides, Users tab, and Segment ID lists


Step 1 - Create your ID Resolver Webhook

You will need to create and host your own webhook for this integration. This webhook should take in an id and a possibly null unit_type and return name. unit_type will come in the form of userID, stableID, or one of your custom ID types. The length of name should be under 100 characters.

  const inputId = as string | null;
const unitType = req.body.unit_type as string | null;

if (!inputId) {
success: true,
data: {
name: "",

const result = IDResolverDatabase.find((d) => === inputId);
success: true,
data: {
name: result ? + ", " + result.Publisher : "",

Step 2 - Create your ID Resolver Autocomplete Webhook

This webhook should take in a name (the current partially typed name) and a possibly null unit_type and return the array results which contains potential matches in the shape of {name: string, id: string}. It should return at most 100 results, and the length per item should be under 100 characters.

  const partialName = as string | null;
const unitType = req.body.unit_type as string | null;

if (!partialName) {
success: true,
data: {
results: [],

const results = IDResolverDatabase.filter((d) => RegExp(`^${partialName}`))
success: true,
data: {
results: => {
return {
name: + ", (" + result.Publisher + ")",

Step 3 - Integrate your webhooks with Statsig

You can find Statsig ID Resolver under the Integrations tab within Project Settings



And that's it! You're off to the races with easier-to-recognize IDs throughout the Console.