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Running an A/A (aa) Test

In this guide, we will walk you through how to leverage Statsig’s platform to run an A/A test on your product.

This guide assumes that you have successfully set up and configured your Statsig SDK. For a step-by-step guide on how to do this, see our “Your first feature” guide.

Why run an A/A (aa) test?

There are many reasons to run an A/A test, one of the most common being to validate a new experimentation engine you may be integrating with (in this case Statsig). For new users just getting started with Statsig, we often recommend running an A/A test to provide a “low-stakes” first test environment, ensuring that you’ve got your metrics set up correctly and are seeing exposures flowing through as expected before kicking off your first real A/B test.

Here at Statsig, we are continuously running both live and offline simulation A/A tests on our stats engine- if you want to check one out for yourself, see this example in our Swaggr Demo Project!

How to run an A/A test

The easiest way to run an A/A test in Statsig is by leveraging a Feature Flag. You can also leverage an Experiment to run an A/A, but we chose to use a Feature Gate for this tutorial for simplicity.

Step 1: Create a new feature gate in the Statsig console

Log into the Statsig console at and navigate to Feature Gates in the left-hand navigation panel.

Click on the Create button and enter the name and (optional) description for your feature gate. We will call our feature gate “aatest_example”. Click Create.


In the Setup tab, define the rules for this feature gate. Tap + Add New Rule. While you could run an A/A test on a specific user-group, platform, etc. the easiest setup is to simply divide all of your traffic 50/50 and deliver the same experience (your default product experience) to each group.


To do this, under Criteria select Everyone (you may need to scroll up), name your rule, and then change the Pass Percentage to 50%. Click Add Rule and that’s it! Tap Save Changes in the upper right-hand corner.


Your feature gate setup should now look as follows-


Check that it is working as expected by typing in some dummy user IDs into the console- roughly 50% of the time your IDs should pass, and 50% of the time they should fail.



Step 2: Check the feature gate in your application and log an event

Copy the code snippet in the upper right hand corner of your feature gate page under the < > symbol and drop it into your application at the point you want to call the A/A check.


Now when a user renders this page in their client application, you will automatically start to see a live log stream in the Statsig console when you navigate to the Diagnostics tab for your feature gate.


Step 3: Review A/A test results

Within 24 hours of starting your experiment, you'll see the cumulative exposures in the Pulse Results tab of your feature gate.


This will break down your logged exposures (as well as the distribution of the logged exposures). If something looks off, check the Diagnostics tab for more granular, day-by-day exposure breakdowns at both the Checks and User level.

In the Metric Lifts panel, you can see the full picture of how all your tagged metrics are performing.


What should you expect to see?

  • Exposures- make sure you’re seeing exposures flowing through as expected from your product. If you’re not seeing exposures, use the Diagnostics tab and the Exposure Stream to debug
  • Pulse results- roughly 5% of your metrics in Pulse should be showing a statistically significant change due to the 95% confidence interval of Statsig’s stats engine

We recommend running your A/A long enough to reach most of your weekly active users, or at least a week.