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SCIM Concepts for Statsig

Our SCIM implementation represents both Statsig users at the Organization level and Project level with their associated roles. There are two major resources in our SCIM implementation: Users and Groups.


Users in SCIM correspond to Statsig users at the Organization level. Users that are part of the Statsig Organization and have the organization email domain will be recognized as SCIM users. Each user has the following attributes:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address (main identifier, must be unique within the IdP)
  • Statsig ID (used by the IDP to identify the user in the Statsig SCIM API)


Groups in SCIM represent Statsig Projects with specific roles. For example, a Project named "Project A" with a role of "Admin" would be represented as a group in SCIM. The group name for this example project would be Statsig-ProjectA-Admin.

Important notes about groups:

  • We do not allow group deletion via SCIM
  • Group names cannot be updated through SCIM
  • SCIM identifies groups with a unique ID in the format Statsig-{ProjectID}-{RoleID}